Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vaccinations and Autism

Hi guys!

There is much controversy over Vaccinations and their link to Autism. It is important to know why and what exactly the link is. Well, vaccinations have been linked as a primary environmental trigger to Autism. This means that a child may have a genetic predisposition to a neurological disorder such as Autism, and an environmental or external trigger, such as a vaccination, may tip them over the edge and lead to Autism. Environmental toxicity within a population has been measured to see an increase incidence of Autism. Please read the studies on this link: http://www.generationrescue.org/studies.html

The controversial substance within vaccinations has been Mercury. High Mercury levels in children have also been linked to ADHD. Many vaccinations have gotten rid of Mercury in them due to these controversies, however, it is always important to know the ingredients of what you are injected into your children. Also, it is important to know that you have the legal right to choose NOT to vaccinate, and give your children the choice.

If you get a chance, please read the studies on the previous link and feel free to ask me questions.

Happy reading!


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